Many of our resources are available in both English and French.
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Downloadable Resources
Un-Metered Power
SLS Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
SLS Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
SLS Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the SLS system.
SLS Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the SLS system.
SL42 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
SL42 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
SL42 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the SL42 system.
SL42 Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the SL42 system.
Metered Power
SLM27 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
SLM27 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
SLM27 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the SLM27 system.
SLM27 Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the SLM27 system.
SLM42 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
SLM42 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
SLM42 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the SLM42 system.
SLM42 Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the SLM42 system.
SLM60 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
SLM60 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
SLM60 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the SLM60 system.
SLM60 Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the SLM60 system.
SMT Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
SMT Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
SMT Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the SMT system.
SMT Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the SMT system.
DWM42 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
DWM42 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
DWM42 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the DWM42 system.
DWM42 Manual
Comprehensive manual for installing and using the DWM42 system.
Temporary Use Power
PP-39 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
PP39 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
PP39 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the PP39 system.
PP-XL Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
PPXL Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
PP-XL Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the PP-XL system.
Base en Béton Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée.
SL Series
Concrete Base Drawing for 14"x 20" ( SLS / SL42 / SMT ).
SLM Series
Concrete Base Drawing for 20"x 22" ( SLM27 / SLM42 / SLM60 ).
DWM Series
Concrete Base Drawing for 22"x 38" ( DWM27 / DM42 ).
Concrete Base Drawing for 36"x 36" - Low Voltage Termination.
Custom Solutions
Hand Hole Breakers Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
Disjoncteur à trappe d'accès Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
Hand Hole Breakers Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the HHB system.
LVTC42 Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
LVTC42 Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
LVTC42 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the LVTC42 system.
LED Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet with ETL marking information.
LED Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
Pole/Post Mounting System Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet of the Pole/Post Mounting System.
Série SL Montage Sur Pôle/Piquet Fiche technique
Fiche technique détaillée du système de montage sur poteau/post.
Pole Mount SL42 Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the Pole Mount SL42 system.
Wall Mounting System Cut Sheet
Detailed cut sheet of the Wall Mounting System or SL Series.
Montage Mural Fiche Technique
Fiche technique détaillée du système de montage mural ou de la série SL.
Wall Mount SLS Custom Drawing
High-resolution drawing for the Wall Mounting SLS system.
General Documents
Catalog PSI
Complete catalog with ETL marking information.
Catalogue PSI - Version française
Catalogue complet avec informations sur le marquage ETL.
10 Year Warranty
Complete document to review the comprehensive details of our warranty.
Metal Corrosion Resistance Study
Download the Metal Corrosion Resistance Study for in-depth findings and analysis.
Intertek Certification & Authorization
Download our Intertek Certification document for more details.